Here you can find instructions for registering, logging in and navigating the MOOC platform.
This visual guide with simple instructions will help you register.
If you have difficulty completing some of the steps to formalize your registration, please get in touch with the technical team so that they can help you.
You can access the registration form by clicking on the following link: Student Registration - Power Youth Up (
You can also access it anytime through the Power Youth Up website, finding a highlight related to Online Courses & MOOCs in the menu.
Register on the platform
The following form will appear. You must fill it with your personal information and create a password to access your student profile in the future. Save your access credentials (email address you registered and your password).
Security tip: Power Youth Up Team will never ask for your account password. You can recover your password using your email adress.
Once you submit the form, you must check your mailbox to access the verification email for your email address.
If you do not receive the email in the following 10 minutes, check your emails's spam folder. You can confirm by clicking the link in the verification email.
To access the MOOC platform click on the following link and proceed to the entrance portal.
Fill in your credentials to access the course.
In the upper right corner, you can find "Online Courses & MOOCs". Click on this highlight, and you will be able to choose the course you want to attend. Click on the course of your choice.
Click on the "Enroll Now" button to start the course.
Follow the lessons in order using the side panel. You have access to videos, texts and evaluation forms.
You must complete the entire module to advance to the next one.
If you lose or forget your password, perform the following steps.
Go to the main panel and click on "Enroll Now". A form box will appear to sign in the course. You will find a “Reset Password” highlight in the bottom right corner, which you must click on.
You will be redirected to a page where you must indicate the recovery email or the one you used to attend the course. Write the email you used during the registration and check your email inbox, where you should have received an email with a link to reset your password. Please check your email’s spam folder if the email do not arrive in 10 minutes.
By clicking the "Reset your password" link will access a webpage where you can set your new password.
We hope that these instructions will facilitate your participation in the course.
Happy learning!