Innovation partnership in Erasmus+

Together we’ll engage young people in community spaces

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Power Youth Up

We have the mission to foster the involvement of young people in community spaces through youth work methodologies linked to Creativity, Critical Thinking, Experimentation and Active European citizenship.

We are driving innovation by creating new methodologies, guides, and strategies to be implemented in NGOs, community and youth centres.

Create new methodologies, guides and strategies connected to Youth Work. Creativity and Critical Thinking.

Promote environments and spaces to encourage the participation of young people.

Foster curiosity and active experimentation in young people.

Develop creativity, critical thinking.

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Our Results and Innovation

Guide to local practices of Youth Work in Community Spaces // IO1

A guide to local Youth Work practices in Community Centers and non-profit organisations - which also includes identifying and collecting good Youth Work practices and diagnosing the local needs of young people.

Tools for youth creativity and engagement in community spaces // IO2

A Toolkit for Youth Creativity and Engagement in Community Spaces - which includes designing and testing a methodology for creativity and participation and the development of a toolkit.

MOOC for digital facilitation and community involvement // IO3

A massive online course for digital facilitation and community engagement to promote youth workers' and educators' digital skills.

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Communication and gamification strategy for youth engagement // IO4

Communication and gamification strategy for youth involvement that includes online and face-to-face dimensions.

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In collaboration with FITT, the 'Power Youth Up' project develops methods that enhance young people's abilities to innovate and actively engage at a community level, empowering youth through creativity and European active citizenship. This project not only voices the concerns of the youth but also shapes the future leaders in the post-COVID era by unveiling digital tools, innovative methods, and nurturing environments that encourage creativity.


The second group meeting had several important goals: to implement the project and plan the current and long-term steps; to understand the specificity of the Italian reality of the Centro Fonti San Lorenzo; to encourage group team building regarding the new project phases, which will see the partners collaborate more intensely; and to get to know the Italian culture by experiencing the territory together. They were intense days full of exchanges, satisfying in terms of objectives and rich in ideas, also for the Recanati environment and the activities of Centro Fonti San Lorenzo.


Our first "Transnational Meeting" was a fantastic opportunity for partners to unite and recognize each other's involvement in the Power Youth Up project. Over three days, youth coordinators and Youth Workers gathered in Lisbon to review objectives and strategies, and establish an action plan. Visits to inspiring educational spaces in Almada and Sintra allowed us to witness the reality of our host organizations, Novo Mundo and Youth Coop. The meeting aimed to align practices, methodologies, and concepts that form the foundation of Power Youth Up. Despite coming from diverse backgrounds, we discovered common challenges in our work with young people.

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What happened?

Our project actions

06 to 09 December 2021
Transnational Project Meeting in Almada and Sintra, Portugal

Planning meeting to review the base concepts and a timeline.

December 2021

to Novembrer 2022

Collecting good practices of Youth Work

Mapping youth work practices in youth and community spaces.

09 to 12 May 2022

Transnational Project Meeting in Recanati, Italy

Defining a local assessment strategy and collection mechanisms.

May to December 2022

Youth-aimed Focus Groups and Surveys

Assessing the local situation of youth people about community spaces to design methodologies that address the identified needs and interests of young people.

11 to 15 October 2022

Transnational Project Meeting in Lefkada, Greece

Reviewing the plan for the creation of methodologies and communication strategies.

October 2022 to April 2023

Concepting and piloting new creative activities

Designing and pilot practical and creative methodologies to address the needs & interests of youth.

20 to 27 Abril 2023

Trainer of Trainers "Power Youth Up" in Tenerife, Spain

A training for exchange the developed methodologies, approaches and knowledge.

October to April

Concepting and piloting new creative activities

Reviewing the practices based on the feedback received and piloting of activities shared by the partners.

16-20 October 2023

Transnational Project Meeting in Timisoara, Romania

Reviewing the developed pedagogical results and plan the dissemination of the results.

December 2023

Local Multiplier Events

Local conferences and activities to disseminate the results of the project and the produced content. It aims to reach for youth Workers, professionals that work with/for youth and decision makers.

Power Youth Up Consortium

The organisations

Youth Coop

Agualva-Cacém, Portugal

Associação Novo Mundo

Almada, Portugal


Santa Cruz, Tenerife, Spain


Timisoara, Romania

Centro Fonti San Lorenzo

Recanati, Italy

Solidarity Tracks

Lefkada, Greece


Timisoara, Romania

Main funders


Institutional, support and co-funding

Local Partners

The project was not possible without the support of:


I.C. Badaloni, I.C. Gigli, Comune di Recanati, Altra Eco, Music school of Lefkada, KEK (centre for education), Monastery of Faneromenis, KDAP Mea (centre for people with disability), Second high school of Lefkada, Municipality of Lefkada;


IES María Rosa Alonso, CEIP Tincer, CEIP Julio Castillo Torroba, Asociación Giro – Proyecto Faro (Urban garden El Sobradillo), City Hall of Santa Cruz de Tenerife – the youth district and the coordination of the Southeast District, CEO Bethencourt y Molina, IES Las Veredillas, Asociación Mundo Nuevo, Asociación Diversas, ASOCIACION DE REINSERCIÓN SOCIAL DE MENORES ANCHIETA, Asociación Entrenando Cerebritos, Funcafym, Grupo EVM, Asociación Mensajeros de la Paz Canarias, Asociación Asistencial Nahia;


Liga AC, ACSMT, UPT, Jebel-Sat European de Tineret, OSB Timisoara, Asociatia Capitala Culturală 2023, Lic. Teh. Spec. Gh. Atanasiu, Liceul Teoretic Grigore Moisil, LGTM, Asociatia CDPP, LSCT, OSUT, Cospol,


Câmara Municipal de Sintra, Fundação Aga Khan Portugal, Escola de Segunda Oportunidade de Sintra, Associação Juvenil Ponte, Associação Casa Seis, Junta de Freguesia de Agualva e Mira Sintra, Câmara Municipal de Almada, Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Almada, Brigada do Mar - União.