
2nd Team Meeting in Italy

The second group meeting had several important goals: to implement the project and plan the current and long-term steps; to understand the specificity of the Italian reality of the Centro Fonti San Lorenzo; to encourage group team building regarding the new project phases, which will see the partners collaborate more intensely; and to get to know the Italian culture by experiencing the territory together. They were intense days full of exchanges, satisfying in terms of objectives and rich in ideas, also for the Recanati environment and the activities of Centro Fonti San Lorenzo.

The second group meeting had several important objectives: to implement the project and plan the current and long-term steps; to understand the specificity of the Italian reality of the Centro Fonti San Lorenzo; to encourage group team building in light of the new project phases, which will see the partners collaborate more intensely; and to get to know the Italian culture by experiencing the territory together.

They were intense days full of interactions that were satisfactory in terms of the goals. After the first evening of arrival and welcome activity, we immediately started to work the following day on CFSL-organized spaces inside the "Da Tonino" Hotel and Restaurant, which had a functioning work room and the easy ability to connect and work in tandem.

The partnership representatives were taken by surprise by the Centro Fonti San Lorenzo's context, a reality rooted in the neighbourhood and in the city that carries out extensive informal and non-formal work at all levels: recovery of living spaces, protagonism of young people, regeneration of institutional places, collaboration with schools, workshops and games, support for the elderly, children's playrooms, and park self-government.

The association's uniqueness within the partnership network has thus contributed to qualitatively enriching the ideas and stimulations to take home, also thanks to visits organised to other social spaces of the city (library and media library) or intermediate ones (CFSL partner bars and social centres).

The partners' collaboration was improved, and the stimuli were reinforced, giving the project precise planning with a specific timeline for implementing the first outputs of the project, comprising an analysis of the needs and interests of local young people.