Conceptualise an assessment with a focus group and survey
Task Overview
Design a focus group and survey focused on assessing the needs of the youth in three key areas aligned with your organisational goals.
Task 1 – Define the aims of an assessment of the needs of the youth.
- Define aims for an assessment aligned with your organisational goals, work field or field of interest.
- Define a segment of your target population – for example: you will work with youth 16-25 with fewer opportunities, including school early leavers, from the town of Itri.
- Write a paragraph about the conceptualised context where you will apply the assessment and summarise your goals in two or three research questions.
Task 2 – Create an assessment for a focus group:
- Think about ten questions for a focus group following a natural conversation with the youth you are working with.
- You aim to understand their needs better, so place open questions that allow for more explanations and details.
Task 3 – Create a needs assessment survey:
- Think about three categories for your needs assessment to focus on. It can be anything from youth work, activities, youth centres facilities and programmes, even mental health problems of young people and environmental impact.
- Find the three categories that suit your organisational goals. Each category can have 3-4 questions each. This part can be done digitally or on paper, but it can even be an online survey you can send to your target group to start collecting their needs.
Submission Guidelines
Compile ideas and analysis into a structured format and divide by task. Your submission should reflect both the creative aspect of your brainstorming and the more detailed, critical thinking of your community analysis. Aim to provide a comprehensive portrayal of your envisioned community, considering its inclusive and exclusive aspects.