6.2. Non-formal education and learning

To reflect on the different types of education – formal, non-formal, and informal.


Task 1. Write down a list of your learning experiences. They can range from school or university classes, workshops, and online courses to hobbies, travels, or conversations with friends. 

Task 2. For each of the learning experiences identified, classify each experience under formal, non-formal, or informal education and justify your option.

Task 3. Reflect on each learning experience from the previous tasks by analysing its context and the outcomes. Use the following questions:

  • For Formal Education:
    • Was the learning within a structured environment with a predetermined curriculum or specific educational standards?
    • What were the key knowledge or skills acquired, and how were they assessed or validated?
    • Was it in a structured environment with a set curriculum?
  • For Non-Formal Education:
    • Did the learning occur in a planned but less formalised setting, focusing on practical skills or personal development?
    • How did these experiences contribute to your competencies, attitudes, or knowledge in a specific area?
    • Was it in a structured environment with an educational aim?
  • For Informal Education:
    • Was the learning spontaneous and self-directed, emerging from personal interests, daily interactions, or life experiences?
    • What insights, perspectives, or practical knowledge did you gain through these experiences?

Submission Guidelines

Upon completing the classification and analysis, reflect on how each type of education has contributed to your overall learning and personal growth. Consider their unique roles and interconnections in your lifelong learning journey. Present your findings and reflections in a well-organised written document.